Friday, 2 October 2009

Innocent Product Ideas . . .

As I've blogged about before in the past, Winter is very quickly drawing in . . . I've felt the sudden drop in temperature at night. It's cold, it's miserable, and it seems Autumn is bypassing us altogether. The gradual release of that vicious winter is a thing of the past. It leaps on you now like a lion on a gazelle. Gotcha!!! All I can say is be prepared.

And, as if seeing a sudden opportunity to raise a sales pitch . . . we have some new heaters coming in soon. I'm in the process of creating wonderful descriptions for them, descriptions that'll make you feel toasty warm just by reading. Now there's a thing! That takes talent!

I've also heard rumour that our very own Beci is coming up with some new product ideas too. They're very similar to horse rugs, only with a slight difference. The Hoods have holes in on the forehead. Why, I hear you ask? For the horn to come through, silly. All those poor Unicorns need to be kept warm during the winter months too. They need to be considered just as much as any horse or pony.

*Rolls around the floor in a fit of giggly laughter . . .

Poor Beci, believing unicorns were real: Some people don't realise just how innocent they truly are.

And while we're on this subject, how about rugs in a Pegasus range, or little jackets for SeaHorses . . . And we better put a warning sign on our new fishing gear: "Beware of the Kelpies . . ."

Ahhh...Beci's going to kill me for this . . .

D. Ilott
Gridstop Ltd


Martin Willoughby said...

If I can get warm by reading the descriptions, why should I buy them?

Marie said...

To keep your unicorn warm, if it can't read?? lol