Monday, 6 July 2009

Office v's Warehouse . . .

More shenanigans . . .

We had another team building day on Sunday, only this time our warehouse people from up north were involved too. Seeing as they are based roughly a hundred miles away in a warehouse jam packed with our products, we don't get to see them very often. They are lovely people up there, and because most of the business happens down here, sometimes I feel our warehouse staff are somewhat over-looked and under-appreciated.

Of course they're not. Far from it! We appreciate the work they do for us very much, and it can't be easy putting up with the amount of stress and hassle we throw their way. Cybercheckout couldn't be if it were not for them. And we also appreciate what they did for us this weekend.

We went `narrow boating` on the Amazon Rivers of Leicester, and a good time was had all round. There was food and drink (perhaps a bit too much drink), and two narrow boats full of Cybercheckout crew, terrorizing the canals. Luckily no one fell in, although there were a few near misses (shame). Our plan was, if anyone did fall in then we would leave them and pick them up on our way back - if they survived the wilds of the Leicester waters, that was. We saw all sorts lurking in the depth below the boat. We saw fish, birds, crocodiles, sharks, Moby Dick's whale, and some even claimed they saw the Loch Ness Monster - or maybe that was just evidence of too much drink . . . `hiccup` . . .

But anyway, the aim of the day was to get to know each other a bit more personally, to develop relations between office and warehouse staff, and to put faces to the voices we hear over the phone. By doing this we will work much better with each other, strengthening the team that we've built, and thus being able to provide you, the customer, a much higher level of service.

If I remember rightly, I think it was a success . . . Hiccup . . .

D. Ilott


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