Wednesday 8 July 2009

Driving Miss Daisy . . .

Well, my time is drawing ever closer. For those who have no idea what is going on, allow me to enlighten you. I take my driving test next week, and I'm not scared one little bit . . . honest.

I feel proud of where I am today. Just think, a little while back I didn't even know how to start a car, and now I almost own a full UK driving licence - that's if I pass. If I don't then it's just not meant to be at the moment and I'll hold my head in shame. It's a big step for me, a huge achievement. For most of the staff here it's old-school and boring, but I'm chuffed every time I park the car straight! I can't help it! I'm a proud person.

However, when I first started taking lessons, I wasn't technically a stranger to the `rules of the road`. Most of it is down to common sense, but being part of a family with a long line of lorry drivers, you do tend to pick things up quickly. Having stowed away in their cabs numerous times to go off gallivanting around the country, I've seen some pretty funny things on our good ol' British highways, and let me tell you, there are more than a few idiots out there.

I respect lorry drivers. I know most of you huff at them, and with reason, but without them everything would technically come to a stand still. Who would deliver all the goods to businesses around the country, and then who would ship the items that you buy off the Internet to your door?

But there's one thing I've learnt through all this - you don't mess with these boys! They're a driving-force among their own, and it's clearly obvious that they're bigger than you. With the immense driving power behind them, you'll only end up worse off. And who knows, one day I may be in control of a forty-foot Volvo Globetrotter. That'll definitely be a day to give up driving altogether . . .

Keep on trucking . . .

D. Ilott

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