Tuesday 10 November 2009

Happy Birthday Blog . . .

The Cybercheckout aka Gridstop Ltd blog only normally graces you with its prescence three times a week but this week is an exception. Yesterday's blog was a very sad blog indeed, so today's is designed to try and cheer everybody up. We always like to break the rules when it comes to birthdays!

A Very Happy Birthday to our very own

Mother Redstone!

Yep, she's 21 today (I feel it rude to ask how old she really is . . . but 21 is a good age!)

So I'm sure you'll all join me in raising your glasses to toast a very happy birthday to Mother Redstone!

Yay . . . !!!

Except Farva . . . he may burn the kitchen down with his toast . . .

D. Ilott
Gridstop Ltd

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday indeed to Mother. She is a wonderful woman and is single-handedly responsible for making Andy the amazing guru he is today while Farva was busy burning his toast,reading the newspapers and eating After Eights and putting the wrappers in the plant pots instead of the bin...