Monday, 10 August 2009

It's all going Gah-gah . . .

Soon we will be gaining a new member of staff. He will be short, tubby, he'll be very emotional, occasionally smelly, and when he's upset he will let everyone know about it! But he will be cute, adorable, and well worth putting up with!

Yes, our very own Sarah is about to go on maternity leave to have her George. After sitting in the customer services office for nigh on nine months, I'm pretty sure he knows the rules, and I can envisage him sitting at a desk with a headset on and answering calls in no time at all. I jest you not . . . ! Andrew - the Spiritual Guide, and someone who wanted so much to be a birthing partner - is making it his mission during the next few foreseeable months to ensure that his first words are "Hello, Cybercheckout . . . "

I'm not, and have never been, a kiddie person myself. I know it's the most natural thing in the world, and the most wonderful thing in the world to a lot of people, but to me it's wrong. It's just wrong! I can't even be anywhere near Sarah when George starts kicking. It makes me cringe, and I just have images of Alien, bursting forth from the stomach. I can't help it, I'm just weird!

I do, however, have my cat. She's like a child in herself. She constantly wants to be around me, gets miserable when we go out, smothers me when we get in, and she leaves me little presents from time to time - not including the tufts of fur that she leaves floating around like tumble weed. Yes, I'm very proud of my cat.

As for Sarah, I sure you'll all join me in wishing her the best of luck with little George. She'll make a wonderful mum, and I know both her and Dave will be the proudest, happiest parents ever - but then aren't they all?

We'll just try and keep Andrew away . . . away!

D. Ilott
Gridstop Ltd

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