Wednesday, 19 August 2009

The Challenge Continues . . .

I apologise that there haven't been any blog posts recently. Most of my time has been spent training up Andrew in the art of doing my work. I honestly thought there wouldn't be one today, but luckily I am just able to squeeze a small quickie in. I doubt there will be one on Friday though, as that is the day I go away and leave Andrew alone in the big wide world of downloads.

I thought I'd update you all on how the challenge of training the Spiritual Guide is progressing.

You can all sigh with relief. He is doing fine. I have every faith that he will be okay, and dispatch will run as smoothly as what it normally does . . . I'm not one to brag . . .

And despite all the distractions that are being thrown his way, things are still looking rosy.

I now know I can relax on that beach without a care in the world . . .
PS: I've just heard rumours that someone may throw a blog or two in during next week when I'm away. This should be quite interesting, and I'm sure I will be logging on at some point to have a nose . . .

D. Ilott
Gridstop Ltd


Martin Willoughby said...

I'll the interloping blogger some stick for you. Is he blonde?

Marie said...

Oy! don't be so cheeky, We know where you live you know!! ;o) tehehe