Monday 1 June 2009

Learning to Splash in the Sun!

Well, it's finally done! My Driving test has been booked.

Thursday July 16th 2009.

I'll let you all know on July 17th whether I pass or not ( or it may have to be Monday 20th. I may call in sick on the Friday, nursing a celebratory hang-over. I've promised the instructor a drink). Fingers crossed. I'm in high spirits, and so is my instructor, but you can never tell when the nerves are going to strike. Horrible things, those nerves - and they usually attack me with a vengeance, blasted things!

But my lesson yesterday went extremely well, I feel. And it was a lovely day for a drive.

It was also a lovely day for enjoying your garden, and splashing around in those pools. And it seems that all those who didn't have a pool now have! Lots of people took a liking to them over the weekend and placed orders.

Well done all of you! I'm sure, as you`re splashing around in the sun, having a whale-of-a-time (whale? Or shark, or what ever you may find lurking the depths of the pool) that you won't be disappointed.

Keep up the good work, and good times will be had by all this summer!

D. Ilott

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