Friday, 5 March 2010

Cybercheckout Blogs Past And Present . . .

I confess, I've neglected my blogging duties. For this I apologise profusely. I've let you all down.

There are two main reasons why I can see this has happened. Firstly, I've been too busy. I get given a list of things that need to be done - or written - and I find myself plowing through that list without even a thought for this blog (I'm sorry, I hold my head in shame). And because it's been going on for sometime I've just found myself stuck in a routine that doesn't include blogging. I know, it's a terrible thing to let happen to yourself. I used to blog religiously, three times every week. Now I'm lucky if I do one or two a month. It just isn't on, is it!!

The second reason is because, frankly, I have little to blog about. My mind can only churn out so much stuff. It's only human. So why, if I can't think of anything, did I choose to blog today? Well, I've written over a hundred and thirty blogs now, and some of them I thought were pretty good. It's a shame that they are now lying somewhere in the great wide web, their one day of fame come and gone. I've decided to give them a second chance. I've decided to recap over a few of my favourite blogs from the past:

1: The Greek Legend of Hotstones . . .

How could we forget the great (or not so great) Iydalnis Basalt, the serpant Medusa, and the legendary discovery of Hotstones? (Of which we no longer stock unfortunately) . . .

2: Multi-Purpose 105 Rucksack

Marie and the bag lady . . .

3: Rise of the Cybercheckout Machines...!

I still believe they are out there . . .

4: Equestrian Shenanigans

The attempted over-throw of the Spiritual Guide . . .

And then you can't forget the other times, such as Father meeting the queen, that sweet little German Sausage, the mysteries of the Marie Celeste, Father's blogging, and many many more (136 to be precise). . .

Sitting here, looking back at all, I think I can safely say I've had a good run so far. May the blogging continue.

D. Ilott
Gridstop Ltd

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