Thursday, 25 February 2010

A Revelation In Whey Protein Powder . . .

Do you know, I've been working and doing near enough the same job for coming up to six years now, and throughout that time we have always sold bodybuilding supplements. You name it we do it, anything from fat burners to weight gainers. One of the most popular products we do is Whey Protein Powder.

When I first started, and for a huge portion of my employment here, I worked in dispatch. I used to send out hundreds of supplement orders and grew familiar with some of the brands and names, which of course, you would do. It's inevitable - but I never knew how they actually worked.

Yesterday I found out. I found myself doing some research in Whey Protein, and I discovered how it works and why body builders love it so much. Here's a brief little biological lesson for you:

When body builders workout, they're muscles are put through considerable stress. It takes time for these to repair themselves, strengthen and grow, and so sometimes they need a little help. Drinking whey protein shakes gives them the boost that they need. Instead of the shake sitting in your stomach waiting to be digested, it has quick release properties which means that it is absorbed into the bloodstream a hell of a lot quicker and goes straight to your muscles. The protein then feeds the cells with what it needs to speed up their repair, thus allowing them to strengthen and grow. Without enough protein, the body starts to seek energy elsewhere and looks straight towards your existing muscles, basically eating them away. You can workout as much as you possible can, but if you're trying to achieve those famous `Arnie` muscles, then you're going to have a tough job on your hands.

There you go. Obviously I discovered a lot more about whey protein, about their ingredients, amino acids, and the famous Casein Protein, but I'll save that for another day. I don't want to overload your brain with too much information too soon.

So watch our Arnie! We now know the secret to your muscles from Brussels . . .

D. Ilott
Gridstop Ltd

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