Friday, 5 February 2010

The Big Cyber Move Continued . . .

Well, we're nearly there.

The office is looking like an office now, which creates a nice working environment - and as we all know, a nice working environment helps to produce a better quality of work. The files are on their shelves, the computers are set up, and the workers are at their desk - but . . .

There's always a 'but' . . .

We are still experiencing problems with our telephone lines and internet connection - and you can't exactly run an internet based company without the internet. That kinda goes without saying really.

We've had issues where the phones don't ring, then the wrong phones ring, followed by our answer machine message not switching on (which was put on to explain about our difficulties, etc). And then the internet is either on, off, or running incredibly slow . . .

It's been a hair-ripping-out time, but hopefully, fingers crossed, as this afternoon slowly draws on, things seem to be looking up. The right phones are ringing, allowing customers to finally get through to us, and the internet connection seems to be running at a reasonable speed, allowing us to finally get some work done.

Let's hope it remains so . . .

D. Ilott
Gridstop Ltd

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