Monday 7 December 2009

Sweet and Sour . . .

There's no pleasing some people, I hear Drew exclaim from his corner of the office.

You can reach and stretch and bend as far backwards as you can for someone, but they're never happy. I hear you asking me what I'm talking about. Well, with five minutes left of my working day, I suddenly remember I have a blog to write, and what should happen to prompt me? Someone complained.

Now, I put this question to you. If you're on a healthy diet, what would you prefer in your tea, sugar or sweetener? Sugar, on one hand, is fattening and too much is bad for you. Sweetener, on the other, is supposed to be the substitute for sugar, but with all the chemicals in the ingredients is this any better?

I think not. But Marsh . . .

With all the sweeteners used up and finished in our kitchen, our poor Drew was sent on a mission to the shop to pick some up. He carefully selected what he thought to be the best brand off the shelf, a brand that he thought would keep his staff happy and the quality of work to its normal high standard, paid for it, brought it back, and what did he get in reply?

"I don't like that brand! Go get some more!"

Oh, what Drew has to go through to keep his staff sweet. And while he's on his shopping mission I might get him to buy us some chocolate fudge cake!!!

It's all to keep us happy, and happy staff provide a happy service . . .

D. Ilott
Gridstop Ltd

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