Thursday, 28 January 2010

Chicken Coops For Those Chooks . . .

Trying to start 2010 afresh? Want to start living that healthier, greener lifestyle, but having troubles keeping up with those New Year Resolutions? (aren't we all . . .)

Well, here's one option.

Believe it or not, keeping chickens is a new up-and-coming craze that is becoming more and more popular with people as time goes on. The total number now keeping their own poultry has doubled since 2008, and is still on the rise. Many homes now have a flock of their own chickens running around their garden. For any animal lover, not only will these make interesting pets, but also aid towards that healthier lifestyle you promised yourself at the turn of the year. You will have an endless supply of fresh eggs that you know will be free range, and it will save you money having to go and buy them everytime you run out - not to mention the amount of fresh air you will gain.

However, looking after them chooks isn't just about letting them run free around your garden. It's also about providing them a good, safe home. Chicken coops are designed to do just that. They offer your hens a dry haven for the night, and a safe place for them to lay those eggs that you want. It also keeps them safe from predators such as foxes. Foxes are clever little critters, and the design of your coop needs to outsmart them. It needs to have taken in every conceivable situation in order to provide your chooks the protection that they need and are relying on you for.

Once you've passed that hurdle, your little chooks will be happy and content, and will be more than willing to provide you with the end result that you desire.

So, why not join the flock? There will never be a dull moment. Just don't tell my cat . . .

D. Ilott
Gridstop Ltd

1 comment:

Martin Willoughby said...

Stop trying to egg us on.